Government Websites Relevant to EDCs
The list below is not comprehensive nor endorsed by EPF. It is provided as a starting point for those interested in governmental activities related to EDCs.
Click on the Name of the Resource below to visit the website.

Name | Description | Organization |
EPA's New EDSP Tracking Website | Announced December 2024. This website will share updates about data requests (called Data Call-In or DCI Notices) for certain high-priority pesticides. These pesticides, known as Group 1, will be evaluated in prescribed assays intended to probe the ability to interact with hormone systems (e.g., estrogen, androgen of thyroid pathways). This information may help to clarify potential endocrine-related risks. These data requests are being made under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). | US Regulatory Database |
Endocrine Disruptor Knowledge Base (EDKB) | Resource for scientists to access endocrine activity data and foster the development of computational predictive toxicology models | US Regulatory Database |
Computational Toxicology Data (USEPA) | Open access, downloadable toxicology data including high-throughput screening, rapid exposure and dose information, animal toxicity, ecotoxicology. | US Regulatory Database |
Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) | Information about the EDSP, endocrine disruption, research, chemical screening and testing and regulations. | US Regulatory Agency |
Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP)--Policies and Regulations | List of policies and regulations that established and impact the EDSP | US Regulatory Agency |
EPA Rebuilds Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program to Better Assess Human Endocrine Effects of Pesticides (October 2023) | USEPA announces release of a strategic plan to ensure its assessment of pesticides more efficiently and effectively evaluate the potential for endocrine effects in humans. | US Regulatory Agency |
Estrogens, Steroidal (Report on Carcinogens, Fifteenth Edition) | Report on Carcinogens is published by National Toxicology Program | NTP Document |
European Commission --Strategy and Policy - Endocrine Disruptors | Strategy, policy, objectives of the European Union | EU Agency |
Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act | Act amends the Toxic Substances Control Act. | US Legislation |
Guidance for the Indentification of Endocrine Disruptors in the Context of Regulations (EU) No 528/2012 and (EC) No 1107/2009 (ECHA/EFSA) | Guidance that describes how to perform hazard identification for endocrine-disrupting properties by following the scientific criteria which are outlined in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2100 and Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/605 for biocidal products and plant protection products, respectively. | EU Guidance Document |
National Toxicology Program | Source for toxicological information on endocrine disruptors. | US Regulatory Agency |
National Toxicology Program - Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE) | Provides data and appropriate tools to support developpment and evaluation of new, revised, and alternative methods. Free online access to data sets and tools. | US Regulatory Database |
NIEHS Endocrine Disruptors | NIEHS research program in endocrine disruptors includes fact sheet, consensus statement. | US Regulatory Agency |
OECD Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Project {(Q)SARs] | EU funded, this project has developed various outcomes such as the principles for validation of (Q)SAR models, QSAR Toolbox, and guidance documents. | EU Agency |
OECD Work Related to Endocrine Disrupters | Informational website detailing OECD work on testing and assessment of endocrine disruptors. Links to guidance documents, test guidelines. | EU Agency |
Pesticide Registration (USEPA) | Website provides information on pesticide registration process, laws, fees and exemptions, manuals. | US Regulatory Agency |
Summary of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act | Section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) authorizes EPA to set tolerances, or maximum residue limits, for pesticide residues on foods. | US Legislation |
Toxic Substances Control - 15 USC Ch.53 | TSCA as amended by Lautenberg Act | US Legislation |
Understanding REACH (ECHA) | European Chemicals Agency explains EU regulation REACH, how it works and effect on companies | EU Agency |
Understanding the Principles of REACH (NSF) | National Science Foundation provides an overview of European regulation REACH; how it is used at NSF and how it applies to NSF registration or certification of products. | EU Agency |
USEPA Summary of the Toxic Substances Control Act | Summary of TSCA, amendments and history of the Act | US Legislation |