Potency Thresholds for EDCs
Potency a measure of the strength of a drug or chemical. It is expressed as the dose, or concentration, required to produce a given level of effect, and is useful for comparing the strength of different drugs and chemicals.
Potency is the key to understanding whether a chemical can disrupt the endocrine system of animals and humans, however, the science of potency is often poorly understood and miscommunicated in discussions of endocrine disruptors.
This Spotlight attempts to clarify how potency works, and why it is critical for understanding which chemicals can, and which chemicals cannot, disrupt the endocrine system.
Critical Analysis of the Key Characteristics Approach
Recently, a new approach for identifying EDC hazards has been proposed that organizes and evaluates data according to ten so-called “Key Characteristics (KCs) of EDCs.” It claims to address the lack of a widely accepted, systematic approach for identifying “EDC hazards,” but it fails validation tests and completely ignores the extensive literature on Weight of Evidence (WoE) methods for evaluating EDCs.
We answer clinician questions with evidence-based science.
We furnish scientists with evidence-based resources on endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effects on humans or wildlife.
We provide helpful guides outlining principles, processes, and programs for regulating endocrine-active chemicals.
ABOUT The Endocrine Policy Forum
The Endocrine Policy Forum (EPF) is a consortium of scientific and regulatory experts coordinating industry participation in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to screen chemicals for endocrine activity. EPF’s mission is to bring balanced, science- and risk-based analysis to scientists, medical professionals and regulators in the U.S. and beyond to ensure chemicals are properly screened, tested and regulated for endocrine activity and the potential to cause adverse health effects.

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